Everyone is asking these days, 'How are you doing?' Stay Home Stay Safe for us in Michigan during this Covid-19 pandemic still means staying home for the most part, wearing a mask when you're out, and being very strategic when you need to go shopping ... which means not much is new so when people ask, you simply reply with, 'About the same. Not much is new.'
So what can you say (when you actually see people)? Here's a thought ... you can say THANK YOU.
You can say THANK YOU to the person who called or texted or sent you a card in the mail last week just to check in on you.
You can say THANK YOU to the person who encourages you; your spouse, your children, or your pastor who is live streaming his message online on Sunday mornings.
You can say THANK YOU to the many people working the front lines; whether that be those who work in the hospitals, the firefighters and EMTs, the police officers, the grocery clerks, or the teenagers running the curbside pick-up at the local restaurants.
Or you can say THANK YOU to whoever made you feel a little less invisible and alone this past week.
It's always easy to be so busy you don't notice the things (or the people) right in front of you, but at times like these when we are forced to slow down ... this is when we should take notice. This is when we should be reminded that what goes around comes around. When you notice someone lifting you up, you thank them, and then you think about how you can PAY IT FORWARD.
What did someone do for you recently that you want to thank them for it?
How did it make you feel?