Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Don't Let Anyone Dismiss You

We all have a lot on our minds these days; our health, Covid, finances, relationships (new and old), growing responsibilities ... you name it. It's obvious that no two people are the same; we look different, we think different, and we have different priorities and opinions. But who is to say that I am right and you are wrong or vice versa? We each have different needs and function in unique ways that suit us. No matter how much some people might like to lump others into categories for their own convenience; young or old, educated or not as much, chic or frumpy, well to do or struggling from week to week ... well, we each know what is playing through our minds at night when we can't sleep.

Whatever you are dealing with, thinking over, weighing the pros and cons for, or even daydreaming about ... learn to own it. Don't let other people define you or sway you away from thinking what you think or feeling what you feel. Learn to own your own bubble, your worries, your stresses, your happiness, your dreams, your sadness, and your doubts. Your emotions and goals and battles are all yours; they aren't there for others to dissect or dismiss.

When someone doesn't want to understand your point of view or even bother to ask yet they still like to categorize parts of life with dismissive comments that make you wonder if what you're feeling is valid, they are truly the ones who are struggling. As they are trying to suggest that other viewpoints are invalid or silly, I think they're just trying to establish support for their own point of view. They may or may not be doing it purposely, they may not even realize how their words and actions are affecting other people. We'd be giving them much more credit than they deserve if we let them think they had that kind of power over us.

Stand tall, remain firm, trust yourself and take on each challenge that comes your way with a renewed sense of positivity. You matter and so do your opinions; we're all entitled to them. We just need to remember that it's fine to share your opinion when someone asks for it. If you're going to try to persuade people to be more like you just because you think you're better, then you're going at it for the wrong reasons.

When's the last time you felt like someone was trying to dismiss you?

How did you handle it?