Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Adapting to Change

If I had to pick one word to summarize my feelings these days it would be 'change'. Change comes in all shapes and sizes, it can be loud or quiet, and it can be invited or it can barge in on you. It can be anticipated and welcomed or it can be overwhelming and scary.

The thing is we can sometimes have control over some changes like getting healthy or being a good communicator. Other times change is forced upon us, often without notice like a sickness or a car accident. But like anything else in life we cannot control everything. We can't control the weather; the hurricanes, the tornados, or the earthquakes. We can have a voice, but can't always steer the direction of a relationship that is breaking, a job that is about to be lost, or even a political situation we're unhappy with.

When change stares you straight in the face and gets so loud that you want to put in ear plugs to drown it out it means you are allowing the change to consume you. I often stay awake at night just listening to all the voices in my head and replaying every negative thing that happened, every nasty word that someone shared, every belittling attempt that I came across online whether in a news article or a Facebook post.

Everyone has an opinion about everything, including myself. The challenge is sharing opinions without being a bully and seeking a 15 minute platform. Sometimes the only thing we can constructively do is work with what we have. We have the choice and the ability to re-evaluate our situation. We don't have to be on board or even like or approve of the change we're facing, but we do need to find a way to adapt to it. 

Some changes are good and we can't wait to embrace them and move forward in a positive way. Other changes, not so much. Sadly, that's just how life is. It's not always happy or pretty or wrapped nicely with a perfect bow on it. Sometimes change takes a lot of work and grit and time and energy and creative solutions and sleepless nights. In the end YOU still have a choice of whether you allow it to consume you and in what way.

A friend recently shared a beautifully written post with me about HOPE. A couple of lines stood out to me, but I will paraphrase. '... sometimes in those seasons of life that ache beyond words, we just want to hear that it's okay to not feel okay.' Any emotion is a real emotion and in my opinion is valid. Someone who is going through a rough patch doesn't need the pressure when asked how they are doing to say the obligatory, "I'm fine." They need to know it's okay to say, 'You know it's been a really bad week that just won't end." Give the people you come across the freedom to be truthful, but also help them to move forward. As the writer said, "We can sit in the tension of reality together." But then we can get up and try to be productive in whatever small way we can.

This isn't a post about politics - politics are everchanging and someone will always be happy and someone else will not. There are other blogs for that topic. These ramblings are about all the other changes we face daily. Wanting a relationship to work to when not everyone is on board. Wanting to accept the health and weight we are at and make the best of it. Learning to navigate our future alone after the loss of a loved one. Wanting our confidence to grow and be able to feel proud of what we have achieved even if it took us longer to get there. Being able to objectively evaluate where we are in our lives, where we long to be, and learning what hard work will look like to get there.

What change have you been dealing with?

Is it a welcome change? Or not?

Are you allowing it to define you or are you finding a way to adapt to it?

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Are you feeling reenergized?

It's safe to say that spring is finally here. No more snowfalls. No more cold nights. The grass is getting greener by the day, the flowering trees are budding out, and the daffodils are standing tall. According to the outside, it has switched seasons. But what is your mind saying?

The warmer temperatures may mean lighter jackets and maybe even no socks. That's a great recipe for lifting your spirits. Spring is a good time to think about getting outside, talking to your neighbors, taking walks, and often planning ahead for what to do next. Many people start prepping their gardens and yards. Others will start making plans for vacation getaways.

Where do you feel you left off after a several months of winter? When you're stuck inside and it gets dark out by 5:00 p.m., you fix dinner, maybe read a book or watch some TV, and then go to bed. Motivation to do more tends to shift backwards (of course, not for everyone). You may have headed into March feeling a bit stuck; not wanting to do much. Then April comes and the time changes and suddenly you're coming home after work and you've managed to stop off at the grocery store, fix dinner, clean the kitchen, and discover it's still daylight out.

I'll be honest, the last blog post I wrote was in January and we started the new year. Suddenly I found that three months had flown by and I hadn't written a single word. I didn't sit around doing nothing. I read books, I painted a few pictures, met with friends, went to work, etc. I wanted to blog, but found myself wondering what life-changing words could I possibly share? I felt a little stuck. I wondered this week what exciting things I could write about that others would find encouraging or uplifting. Then I realized I didn't need to put that pressure on myself. Maybe just being honest about where I was at could be enough. Maybe there would be someone else that could relate and we could bond over NOT having a current plan. 

Sometimes it's enough to just be okay. Sometimes it doesn't matter that you don't currently have a magnificent goal or obstacle to conquer. You can still be motivated and happy and driven with the season you are currently in. People aren't always like a calendar telling us what day or season it is and how we should be feeling. Maybe we just need a little more time and aren't quite ready for a big change. Changes (good or bad) are inevitable and will come when they're ready. When that happens we'll just deal and learn to roll with it better. 

Maybe this April I am just a self-proclaimed 'late bloomer'. If that's it, I can be okay with that. After all, not every tree or bush has bloomed yet. Some are taking their time and will be just as beautiful when they're ready.

What to do now? Are you still feeling a bit stuck; maybe not physically, but emotionally? Is this a season of transition for you?

Maybe get back to me when you're ready. I'd love to know where you are at and how you're doing.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

January Doesn't Have To Be A Let Down

I'm embarrassed to say it's been a few months since I've shared anything. The autumn leading into the seasonal holidays is always busy. The leaves turn orange and yellow and red. The air starts to get cooler. We celebrate Thanksgiving and then start decorating for Christmas. We hang the outdoor lights, begin our holiday shopping, and fill our calendars with social events. Many people are so anxious and busy preparing for the festivities that they're exhausted when the month of December actually arrives.

Where I live in Michigan we generally anticipate having a white Christmas; fresh snow and crisp air. It adds something magical to the season. Christmas of 2023 arrived with cloudy skies, rain, and foggy air ... then gloomily stuck around through New Year's Day.

Usually by the time we get through New Year's people are packing away their holiday decorations and gearing up for a quiet January, which usually includes a feeling of things being quiet and a bit slower. Some people have a hard time dealing with the drastic change. No more nostalgic music on the radio, no more twinkling lights on the trees, and for many no more happy visits with friends and family dropping by. January can be sad for some; they're looking for something to lift their spirits.

Here we are, half way through January and the snow and cold temperatures have finally arrived for my area; only a few weeks late. One of our state's universities had an exciting end to their football season when they ended up the champs! Go Blue! Our NFL team has made it to the playoffs, something I'm not sure I thought I'd ever see. There's literally a football frenzy in the air; excitement and joy everywhere.

January is turning out to be anything but quiet or boring. I've started reading a new book for a book club. I'm finishing up a winter painting. I purchased a new BIG canvas for an upcoming project (trust me, that's a big leap of faith).We're meeting up with friends for our monthly dinner and conversation. And we're making an effort to get out and use some of our restaurant gift cards (the pile was starting to get pretty big).

Sometimes life deals us obstacles we have no control over, but sometimes life can be what we make of it. For me, I'm making this January a fun one. I'm not sitting back and letting it pass me by.

What are you doing this January to make it fun?

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

What is your current season?

It's nearing the end of September; the kids are back in school, summer feels like it is winding down, and you can start unpacking your sweaters. Weather-wise, we're finishing up summer and gearing up for autumn. The leaves will soon be changing colors, some people have already been putting up their Halloween outside décor, and your favorite hobby stores are beginning to  display their Christmas stock.

Calendar seasons are one thing - just follow the dates posted on your fridge. I'll admit I'm not ready for colder weather, but I am ready to pull the summer flowers (all the red and pink and purple) and replace them with colorful mums! I am ready for oranges and yellows. I'm ready to walk in the crisp air and stop by the cider mill. But I also don't want time to go too fast because we all know that after autumn comes cold and snow and sometimes ice!

There are also the different seasons in our lives, depending on our ages. There's our teenage years, there's the college days, and the years of independence. For many there are the years of parenthood, the years we spend building our careers, and the years we work toward empty nests and retirement. There were the years we were caregivers to our mothers or fathers and all that it entailed. 

If someone were to ask me what season I am currently in I would have to say the season of floundering and discovery. I've always been the type of person to work toward the future, to make lists, and plan ahead ... often forgetting to savor the moments of today. My heart knows I need to find a better balance, but my mind tends to get in the way and make things more difficult than they need to be.

My husband and I are parents to two adults and grandparents to four awesome grandkids, we're empty nesters, we're no longer caregivers, and we both still work full time. Somehow we're just as busy now as we always have been, but we do try take some time for ourselves. We each have hobbies that we find intriguing, creative, and relaxing to us. But truth be told some times we can go weeks before we are able to carve some time out of our responsibilities to make time for ourselves. That is my goal for this week. We both had a really busy month of August and so far September hasn't seemed to slow down any. You get to the point that you're not just physically tired, but you're also mentally drained.

I am finally taking a couple of overdue days off. Of course I plan to finish cleaning out my summer flower gardens and get into the autumn spirit with fall décor including mums and pumpkins. I always try to do the MUST DO'S first so I won't feel guilty about doing the WANNA DO'S. Pathetic I know. My fun plans? Some reading, some shopping, and some painting. Hopefully a little ME time will get me back on track and feeling re-energized once again.

Hopefully my season of floundering and feeling a little lost and off kilter will lead the way to a better season filled with hope and joy and rest and contentment.

What season do you find yourself currently in? 

Is it what you thought it would be or is it different somehow?

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

No Place For Judgement

Has anyone ever accused you of being judgmental? Have you ever inadvertently shamed someone? Everyone, including you, has feelings. Many people will try to hide their emotions; others display them front and center for the whole world to see. Do they really want everyone's input or do they just like the attention they get? Good or bad, maybe they need the attention to feel validated or noticed.

I know this is a big topic and can cover a pretty broad scope of situations. Let's break down a few examples. 

  • Have you ever had someone point out something you're wearing and suggest that it might not be appropriate? Unless you're required to wear a uniform for your profession or you have an expected written dress code, then their opinion of your attire may be just that ... their opinion.
  • Have you ever felt 'shamed' by things people have said to you for being too tall or too short or too heavy or too skinny? Or too emotional? People don't need to point out you're too old or too young for this or that; that's your business. Often our ages are just numbers on paper; if your mind and body tell you that you can still do something, then do it. Dance like no one is watching!
  • If you're like me you may find that you judge the people driving on your right that speed up and then wait til the last minute to merge left into your lane in front of you (like they didn't see the sign with the arrow a block behind you). I don't know their story. I don't know if they didn't see the sign or never drove on that street before. But I can assume and that what gets me in trouble.

I have a fear of going to the dentist. It's a legitimate anxiety; my heart races, my skin gets very blotchy, and I get clammy. It only takes one bad experience for anyone to develop a fear of something. Maybe a dog bit you when you were six and were getting off the school bus; it would be legitimate for you to feel uneasy around dogs you don't know. It certainly doesn't help when a dog's owner belittles your fear by saying, 'Oh, don't be afraid. Fido never bit anyone. He's very gentle with most people.' The fact that Fido weighs 100# and is straining his leash while barking at you might be deterring you from believing them.

My dentist retired a while back and I needed to find a new practice. I finally took the step and made an appointment with a new one. It went fine, mostly because they didn't judge me for not having been to a dentist in a while. They acknowledged my fear for what it was and tried to support me so I could have a better experience. It doesn't mean my dental anxieties have magically disappeared, but it was a good first step toward regaining some trust.

The thing is that we should do things that are positive because they are right. We don't walk in other people shoes and we certainly don't know everyone's back stories. If someone asks for help, do what you can but don't judge or shame them for being in a position where they needed to ask for help. Maybe it took them a week to work up the courage to ask for help or maybe it took them a year and half to make the dentist appointment. 

Unless you wear a black robe and sit in a judge's chair and have a gavel in your hand and the law on your side, you really don't have the right to judge anyone.

Choose your actions and your words carefully. What's the saying about a tube of toothpaste? Words are like toothpaste, once they're out you can't put them back in the tube.

Just something to think about?

When have you felt judged or shamed?

How did it make you feel?

Monday, May 22, 2023

Who gets to define 'older'?

I'm probably showing my age a little bit, but I remember being in elementary school and thinking that all of my teachers were old. In reality they weren't, but they dressed older and very conservatively. So not having any real concept of time and age I thought they were all in their 60s and that seemed ancient. Wow, how times have changed. Styles have changed and people have more choices now in their hair color and clothing styles, not to mention people are living longer and doing more. Nowadays if you are smart you will never try to guess someone's age.

When my kids were in school the teachers all got younger. For that fact, so did the policemen, the firefighters, and the doctors. Maybe it's partly a new reality and partly perception. People seem more active now than when I was younger.

What do they say? 80 is the new 60, and 60 is the new 40? I can't tell you how often I hear people say their age may be one number but in their mind they're still 20 years younger. When I was young the only activities I saw my parents partake in was playing cards. I never saw them do anything active or break a sweat. My mother did play the piano, but always with grace and dignity.

I recently just turned 60, but don't feel like it. My friends say they would never guess that was my age if I didn't tell them - but maybe they're just being nice.

A friend told me a funny story the other day that she was somewhere trying to get some records and a stranger made a comment to her that birth certificates are only online going back a certain amount of time. He said he'd been around a LONG time and knew this for a fact. She asked when he was born and he replied, '1981'. OMG! Seriously? That's the year I graduated from high school. I have news for him, records go back a bit longer than that, lol. He was defining 'older' in a whole new way.

So WHO exactly gets to define 'older'? And who gets to categorize people and label them and what makes them feel qualified to do that? I certainly wouldn't want that responsibility. I'd like to keep my friends, thank you very much.

Do you feel age is just a number? 

Do you let your age define you by someone else's definition?

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

How do you measure time?

There are many ways to measure time? Maybe you have a techy calendar on your phone or a paper one on your refrigerator. These will certainly help you keep track of birthdays, vacation days, and upcoming appointments. But what about remembering the seasons of your life? Remembering when you experienced the highs and lows?

People experience different levels and stages in their lives. Maybe you're at the place where you measure your life by everything that happened before and after retirement. Before you had a family to raise or when you started re-experiencing life with an empty nest.

Our parents and grandparents may refer to how life was before or after a war. 

A patient may define their journey as before or after their medical diagnosis. 

A young adult may label their accomplishments as before or after their college graduation.

Whatever category you find yourself in it's interesting to understand the perspective you bring to the table. What situations or life events altered your journey?

Almost anyone these days could measure family gatherings or vacations as before Covid complicated life or now when people have resumed many of their activities.

How do you measure your life; what you've accomplished or what your current goals are? 

What stage do you find yourself in?