Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Do you wish you could better define your time?

How is it possible that it can feel like life is going by slowly and quickly at the same time? Time is a hot commodity. It can be the thing that we need more of in order to find a solution or a cure. It's the thing we need to use wisely in order to get our projects done and be able to meet our deadlines. It's the balance we need to find between working, stressing, and relaxing. It's the thing we often need to remind ourselves to take more of for ourselves. 

In a world where people seek instant gratification and being able to get anything at the click of a mouse and a solid Internet ... ultimately time is the one thing we cannot buy.

There are days when we'd like to slow time down; like when watching our children grow up. There are moments when we wish time would stand still; watching them sleep peacefully in their crib and not having any worries.

Then there are the days when we wish time would travel a little faster; usually when we're waiting on a test result or getting a decision back on something we've been waiting for.

What would you do if you knew exactly how much time you had? Would the amount of time you have change how you live your life? Would it affect the choices and decisions you make?

What would you do if you could acquire more time? Would you finally finish something you've been putting off for 'some day'?

What if we worried less about living for tomorrow and started living more for today? What if we procrastinated less and re-prioritized our lives more so that the amount of time we actually have wouldn't dictate to us what to do and when? What if we started living each day as if it were our last and we had fewer regrets?

What do you wish you could move to the top of your list? 

What would make you feel more fulfilled?

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