Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Get In The Game

Our world can get pretty crazy at times; everyone and everything is constantly on the go. It seems like we're always trying to stretch our day to fit just a few more things into it. This time of year the kids and teachers are wrapping up their school year, parents are preparing for graduation parties and summer vacations, construction crews are beginning their road projects, and the freeways on the weekends will get backed up with everyone going 'up north'. What does your summer look like? For that fact, what does your year or even your week look like? Are you planning out and living your life or are you being a bench sitter and watching it pass you by?

I'm sure you've heard the phrase, 'Be part of the solution, rather than the problem.' The point is that too many people are sitting idly by and watching their lives go by right in front of them like a parade. We need to be involved in every aspect of lives; whether that's parenting our children, working at a relationship with our spouse or parent, being proactive with our careers, or getting involved with our neighborhoods, our schools, our kid's soccer and hockey teams, our girl scout troops, and even our churches.
For years now I've lived in a subdivision (by choice) that has a homeowner's association. There was a time when the neighborhood came together, talked to each other, helped each other out, and watched out for each other. Our annual meetings were always well attended and there was always the required quorum there to take necessary votes. I can't remember the last time that happened. Sure, a lot of neighbors still talk and watch out for each other, but for the most part people don't. I see the same tendency is PTO groups, church organizations, and band and athletic boosters groups. People seem to want to just let other people make the decisions for them. When did so many people quit caring and no longer want their voices to be heard?

I really wish I knew the answer to that one. Sure people will say, 'But I'm just so busy'. That's probably true, but guess what? Everyone is! The bottom line is IT'S TIME TO GET IN THE GAME! Stop sitting on the couch and complaining when things aren't going the way you wanted them to. If you're not willing to get involved then you've probably become part of the problem.
Do you see this scenario playing out in your life? Are you being a game player or a bench sitter?

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