Sunday, September 20, 2020

Why do we have to choose?

We all have choices we have to make on a daily basis. Often we don't give some of them a second thought; they've become so automatic to us. We choose to be responsible and wear a seatbelt when we're driving, because it is the law and has been proven to save lives. This year has been all about wearing a mask to lessen the spread of Covid (that's a whole other issue). Some may choose not to drink or smoke; others will. Just because something doesn't feel right for you doesn't mean that you get to judge when someone else chooses differently, unless their choices directly affect you. Sometimes we make choices for the good of ourselves and for others. Sometimes though it may feel like we make a lot of our choices solely for the sake of those around us. It may be out of a sense of responsibility, because our heart tells us that doing something specific is the right thing to do. Maybe we'll be setting a good example by something we do. It isn't always about us, but rather how others will perceive us. Sometimes we may be made to feel guilty if we make a certain choice, perhaps even allowing ourselves to be manipulated by other people.

Some choices are smaller (or at least a little easier); what will I fix for dinner (although that one is proving to be a bit more difficult lately), will I take a walk today, will I need to wear a jacket tomorrow, or will I reach out to someone that has been on my mind?

Other choices wear a little heavier on our minds (and our hearts). Those choices and decisions that keep your mind on alert and keep you from sleeping at night. The kinds of choices that we know that no matter which route we choose someone will be affected. It can be tough sometimes ... you think about a big decision and you weigh the pros and cons. You make your list and you analyze it to the point that you feel like you're right back where you started with no clear answers coming to mind. You may feel like if you choose one path you'll feel better, but then you let you talk yourself out of it. You may worry more about how your choices will affect those around you, rather than what's best for you. Does it have to be an 'either/or' situation? Why should you put the weight on yourself to choose what is best for everyone else? Why do we always have to choose? When is it okay to put yourself first?

Oh how I wish I had the answers and always knew the right path to take. I'm sure if we're being totally honest we all doubt some of our choices and decisions. None of us have a crystal ball or a guarantee that comes with the little paper fortune in our fortune cookie. I can clean out and switch my purses and surely find a little scrap of paper tucked carefully away with the epiphany of life's perfect answers typed in black and white. Our answers to life's biggest hurdles aren't always as clear; although it would make things a lot easier if they were, lol.

What choices are you battling with lately?

Find those support people you need who won't stand in judgment, but who will let you vent and pour out your heart when you need it. Keeping the stress and strain all to yourself will undoubtedly become too heavy at some point. But don't expect others to give you the answers you're seeking; ultimately those will need to come from you. Hang in there. No one ever told us life would be easy, but you're stronger than you know and you will get through this and whatever hurdles you're currently sizing up.