Usually after a long, cold winter many people are thrilled when summer finally arrives; the warmer temperatures, the playful days at the beach, and the many colors of the green grass and beautiful flowers. I love the season of summer as much as the next person and enjoy getting a little color on my skin on a sunny day. But truth be told, by the time August rolls around and we've had 90 degree days for literally weeks I am ready for some cooler nights and the chance to wear a sweater.
I love to grow a variety of outdoor flowers and enjoy the vibrancy of the pinks and purples and yellows in my summer flower pots. My husband laughs at me because if I find a new ceramic pot or a see an annual on sale at a local store I can't help but adopt it and find a new home for it on my porch or patio. Then ... September arrives. Children go back to school, schedules change, my husband and I celebrate our anniversary, and then suddenly it's the end of the month and the leaves on the trees are starting to show their first signs of color changes; just a splash here and there of reds and yellows and oranges.
The cider mills are open, pumpkins are being picked in the fields, high school football games are being played on Friday nights, tailgating is taking place as college rival games are being played on Saturday afternoons, teenagers are getting dressed up and going to homecoming dances, and the temperatures are finally not quite as warm meaning I can finally throw on some jeans to cover my pale legs that have lost whatever tan they had from the summer.
Everyone in Michigan knows we have the best state because we get to enjoy four wonderfully different seasons; each of which has their own unique qualities. I like all four for their own reasons, but of the four autumn has to be my absolute favorite. Taking a Sunday afternoon drive in the country is like looking at a beautiful canvas created by God. Trees adorn a palette of fiery colors; crimson, oranges, and sunny yellows. The leaves blow off the trees and literally chase you down the road as your car drives by. It's breathtaking and peaceful and relaxing, all at the same time. Yep, it's definitely my favorite.
What's your favorite part of autumn? The cider and donuts? The walks in the park?
What special traditions have you created with your family and friends? Hayrides? Pumpkin picking?