Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Are you part of a stereotype?

Today's question is 'Do you steroeotype people and situations?'

An interesting thing happened at work today. We had ordered a bench to be placed outside the front entrance. Timing was impeccable as the freight truck showed up '5-10 days' early at precisely noon ... the same exact time that 85+ children (ages  preschool - 4th grade) were being picked up following an action-packed morning of vacation bible school. Yes ... it apparently is all about the timing.

The freight truck driver was pleasant and agreed to wait 10 minutes til the children and traffic eased out of the church parking lot. Then he placed the 270 lb. load on the designated sidewalk for us. My co-worker and I (as a disclaimer I will mention that BOTH of us are stubborn women, although I'm pretty sure only one of us is Irish ... me). We checked out the materials for damage, counted the bolts, reviewed the situation and proceeded to assemble the 6 ft. bench ourselves. We had a bad ratchet, but still got the project done without any scraped knuckles. The funny thing was that several people suggested we call around and get 'some of the strong guys from the church' to put it together for us. Obviously they didn't know us very well, because we were already outside assembling the bench. I wouldn't really call either of us 'women's libbers', but neither of us has the time nor the patience to wait around to call someone else in to do the job  ... 'male' or 'female'. We've both been known to pull shrubs, lay mulch, paint offices, reorganize storage closets ... whatever needs done.

So back to the original question ... 'Do you stereotype people and situations?' (even if unknowingly) Have you ever found yourself to be stereotyped? And if so, how did that make you feel?

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